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SynthV Studio scripts created by Aviles JF

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Scripts to works with group of notes easier and quicker.

Create group of selected notes
and start it from the nearest measure bar - GroupCreateFromStartingBar.lua

Drag and drop notes from DAW: Automate group creation
Move imported DAW notes into a new group of notesCreate group of selected notes - GroupCreateFromDAW.lua

Drag and drop notes from DAW: Automate group creation with (no dialog box)
Move imported DAW notes into a new group of notesCreate group of selected notes - GroupCreateFromDAWDirect.lua

Update one selected group name
with the updated lyrics inside - GroupNameUpdate.lua

Update group name with lyrics
for each group of notes of the project - GroupsNameUpdateAll.lua

Copy and then paste
all existing parameters inside the range of selected notes

Remove all existing automation parameters
from the range of selected notes

Clear the clipboard
to be able to copy/paste again
the same previous updated notes - ClearClipboard.lua

Copy selected groups to new tracks (or select one) and transpose all notes
choose 1 transposed track or chord tracks - GroupHarmony.lua


Scripts tools.

Update pitch deviation (pitch delta) for microtonality purposes
For an individual tone for each selected note, add a pitch deviation - TunerSL.lua

List all defined shortcuts from settings.xml
And copy result into the Clipboard, check for duplicates - ShortcutsList.lua

Playing song and displaying current notes infos on groups title
And display current timing on track name - PlayingInfos.lua

This script will move notes forward
with a short gap - ShiftNotesForward.lua

This script will move notes backward
with a short gap - ShiftNotesBackward.lua

This script will duplicate selected notes to
a new selected target playhead position - DuplicateSelectedNotes.lua

This script deletes all tracks whose name begin with "Track H"
to use during GroupHarmony script attempts - ClearHarmonyTracks.lua

Store and display internal project notes
into a text file (or also into a hidden group inside project) - Notes.lua

Store and display internal project notes for a track
into a text file (or also into a hidden group inside project for each track) - Notes4Track.lua

Read Json loudness audio data and apply loudness parameters
Json is generated from external program audiowaveform.exe - LoudnessFromAudio.lua

Retrieving all SV:T(text) found inside a script
and generate a getTranslations function with all text found into the clipboard - TranslateScripts.lua


Scripts midi.

Reproduce midi velocity to SynthV loudness automation parameters
Extract midi file velocity notes and apply to SynthV loundness - ExtractVelocityFromMidi.lua

Reproduce midi pitch bend to SynthV extracted from midi file
Extract midi file pitchbends and add pitch deviation to a SynthV track - ExtractPitchbendFromMidi.lua

This script will import a midi file
And insert notes AND also regions into SynthV (not done by SynthV import) - ImportMidiFile.lua


Scripts to retrieve lyrics from group of notes into clipboard.

Copy into clipboard, all lyrics inside all group of notes
in text format for all tracks - LyricsAllTracks.lua

Copy into clipboard, all lyrics inside all group of notes
in text format for a current track - LyricsOneTrack.lua

Copy into clipboard, all lyrics for video subtitles (.SRT) format
one selected track only - LyricsForSubtitles.lua

Copy into clipboard, all lyrics for video subtitles (.SRT) format
for all tracks in the project - LyricsAllTracksForSubtitles.lua

Copy into clipboard, all lyrics for video subtitles (.SRT) format
all tracks from an external midi file - ExtractLyricsFromMidi.lua

Lyrics shift all text to previous left notes
Warning! Lyrics on previous left note will be lost! - LyricsShiftLeft.lua

Lyrics shift all text to next right notes
Warning! Lyrics on last note will be lost! - LyricsShiftRight.lua

Other SynthV Resources

Scripts by other people are also available.

SynthV Resources and Guides for Synthesizer V Studio Pro - SynthV Studio Scripts Catalog